The Political Campaign Desk Reference: A Guide for Campaign Managers and Candidates Running for Elected Office

Auteur: Michael McNamara
Année de publication: 2008
Domaine d'utilisation: Campagnes électorales
Type: Pratique
Langue: Anglais

"The book you don't want your opponent to have. I use The Political Campaign Desk Reference as the basic text in my courses on political campaigning. It's a practical guide that helps my students understand how a winning political campaign is put together. I'm sure many of them will continue to use it after they graduate and start running campaigns of their own - Terry Grundy, University of Cincinnati "Urban Lobbying" courses in the School of Planning "With instruction on how to form the backbone of a strong campaign and how to plan to win, this is the book you don't want your opponent to have. The chapter on fundraising alone will make this book an excellent investment for any candidate or organization" - Michael P. McNamara, Author"

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Campaign Boot Camp: Basic Training for Future Leaders

Auteur: Christine Pelosi
Année de publication: 2007
Domaine d'utilisation: Campagnes électorales
Type: Pratique
Niveau: 1 - Débutant
Langue: Anglais

"The daughter of Nancy Pelosi, the nations first female Speaker of the House, offers a guidebook for citizens wanting to enter public service and become involved in their communities, whether through working with nonprofit agencies or seeking election to office."

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The Campaign Manual, 7th ed. A Definitive Study of the Modern Political Campaign Process

Auteur: S. J. Guzzetta
Domaine d'utilisation: Campagnes électorales
Type: Pratique
Langue: Anglais

"My goal was to develop a book that would be used by candidates who needed basic guidance in the fundamentals of managing well organized and effective political campaigns. I have shown the concepts, methods, and techniques that are a part of the foundation of political campaigning and that would be of value and interest to not only candidates, but to individuals with a general knowledge and interest in the political campaign process. Many professors have made the manual a standard in their political science classes. Many of my fellow Political Campaign Consultants use the manual as it was originally intended, i.e. to train campaign staff on "how to" operate a successful political campaign. In this revised and updated 6th Edition, I have updated relevant data in all areas of campaign management in the Millenium including elaborating on job descriptions, computerizing the campaign, campaign management software, the use of the Internet, and the campaigning process in general. I have spent more time discussing the variables in campaigning situations. You will also find new material about the changes that have occurred as a result of new technology developed since earlier editions and we have invested much time and energy into making the reference aspects of the manual user friendly. The Campaign Manual is applicable to the democratic process in the international arena. It can be used with cultural adaptations, in the promotion of the democratic political and electoral process in emerging societies. It is being used in 33 countries throughout the world. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition."

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Campaign Craft (Praeger Series in Political Communication)

Auteur: Daniel M. Shea & Michael John Burton
Année de publication: 2006
Type: Pratique
Langue: Anglais

"With careful attention and hard work, even average citizens can oversee sophisticated, state-of-the-art political campaigns. Those who try will find no aid more valuable than this book. Bringing to bear both academic and professional experience, Shea and Burton present a lively, comprehensive exploration of cutting-edge political campaign management. They cover every aspect of present-day political campaigning, from understanding the context of a particular campaign (national trends, the media market, demographic research, etc.) to strategic thinking and specific voter contact techniques that work. These techniques include tactical use of fundraising, paid media, free media—including the Internet—and get-out-the-vote drives. Throughout the text, the authors present up-to-date analysis, peppered with examples from national, state, and local campaigns. Campaign Craft is a comprehensive guide to modern electioneering—a must read for candidates and political activists, scholars, researchers, and all those interested in knowing how to run modern, high-tech campaigns."

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Vivre une campagne électorale : 74 décisions incontournables

Domaine d'utilisation: Campagnes électorales
Type: Pratique
Langue: Français
Adresse du site Internet:

Les 74 décisions pratiques d'une direction de campagne électorale : Pour diriger une campagne électorale, cette publication est le fil conducteur indispensable pour n'oublier aucun des arbitrages majeurs.

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Sondages d’opinion et communication politique (Cahier CEVIPOF n° 38)

Auteur: MARQUIS Lionel
Année de publication: 2005
Domaine d'utilisation: Communication politique
Type: Théorie
Langue: Français
Adresse du site Internet:

"Lionel Marquis (Institut de science politique, université de Berne) se propose d’analyser la manière dont les sondages d’opinion influencent la communication politique dans nos sociétés contemporaines. Dans un premier temps, cette influence est examinée au travers des interactions entre, d’une part, les sondages et le secteur d’activité qui s’y rapporte, et, d’autre part, le personnel politique et les mass médias qui s’en servent abondamment pour les besoins les plus divers. Il apparaît ainsi que les sondages exercent un impact surtout indirect sur les compétitions électorales, notamment en opérant une première sélection parmi les candidats et en conditionnant la perception de l’issue des élections chez les leaders politiques et les journalistes. Dans un second temps, l’auteur analyse quelles sont les pré-conditions nécessaires à une influence potentielle des sondages sur les électeurs. Il met en évidence une dizaine de mécanismes psychologiques permettant d’expliquer une conversion des préférences électorales suite à une prise de connaissance des résultats des sondages."

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